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The roles and responsibilities of the SPCA

The SPCA’s (Prevention of cruelty to animals) aim is to prevent cruelty to animals and to promote kindness to animals. We offer advice and support in most cases and can prosecute in severe cases.


Animals in captivity are entirely dependent upon humans to provide the conditions that will satisfy their basic needs.


All animals have basic needs, namely;

  1. Physiological needs – food, water, temperature, air, light conditions, etc.

  2. Social needs – preference for living alone, in pairs, or in groups.

  3. Psychological needs – appropriate stimulation and activity to prevent boredom.

  4. Environmental needs – suitable home, space and territory.

  5. Behavioral needs – hibernation, nest building, burrowing, etc.

The Five Freedoms

We believe that for the welfare of animals, we must take into account five essential ‘freedoms’. These freedoms form the basis of our policy on animal welfare.


  1. Freedom from hunger and thirst – provide ready access to fresh water and a balanced diet that maintains health and vigor

  2. Freedom from pain, injury and disease – by prevention or rapid diagnosis and treatment

  3. Freedom from fear and distress – by ensuring conditions and treatment which avoid mental suffering

  4. Freedom from discomfort – provide an appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting and sleeping area

  5. Freedom to express normal behavior – provide sufficient space, proper facilities and the appropriate company of the animal's own kind


Many organisations see an animal shelter as the most pressing need for their community, but this is not always the case. A shelter will not, on its own, solve problems in the long run, as pet owners see this as an easy way to get rid of their animals.

At all times the welfare of the animals must be paramount. Even with the best intentions, an overcrowded or badly run shelter can cause great suffering to the very animals it is intended to help.


  1. Can home lost, stray and injured animals

  2. Promote awareness

  3. Offer educational programs

  4. Have neutering programs

  5. Record keeping

  6. Finding suitable homes



Dedicated staff

Local support


   5Shelter capacity

   6. The amount of time staff or volunteers can spend with each animal to ensure it remains sociable


This has proven to be the best and most effective method of keeping the animals needs met while finding a suitable home for them.

The society will provide all the funding for the health and upkeep of the animal while finding a suitable home. In a good foster home, all of the animal’s needs and freedoms can be met.


The SPCA is opposed to the euthanasia of fit and healthy animals.

The Society nevertheless accepts with great reluctance, that in certain circumstances euthanasia may be necessary, in particular in the case of unwanted or stray animals for which good homes are unavailable.

The needs nor freedom of the animal are met while being caged up for months on end while hoping for a suitable adoption.


What we cannot do:

  1. Go onto any person’s property without a warrant from the magistrate to investigate any allegations or seize any animals, unless clear cruelty can be observed.


What we are not responsible for:

  1. Settling disputes between neighbors.

  2. Being called out in the middle of the night because the neighbor’s dog is consistently barking​

What we are responsible for:

  1. Any emergency concerning an animal in distress at any time of the day or night. This also includes preventing the use of fireworks within the town boundaries.

  2. Educating the public on the correct way to treat and look after animals.

  3. Work with the municipality in monitoring local pet shops, breeders, etc.

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SPCA Walvis Bay 2024 © All rights reserved.

52 Grand Avenue, Walvis Bay, Namibia  |  Landline: 064 204 041  |  Emergencies: 081 629 1190  |  Email:

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