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Dear animal lovers


The year is almost over, which is a good thing, as we have great plans for the New Year and we cannot wait to start.


Some highlights of this year;

  1. A new committee was formed

  2. New structures and policies were put in place

  3. Selling pancakes at the new Dunes Mall

  4. Selling food and drinks at the Christmas fair organized by the cancer association

  5. And some others I will touch on below.


Kennel Project:

We had a very successful raffle to generate money to build new kennels. This money is in a separate bank account and will not be used for any other purpose but to build kennels.

We had some drawbacks with starting this as the municipality has not been playing ball with us.



I have had three architects who volunteered to draw up the plans that were needed to start the building process, but not one of the three has offered any results yet. I have now approached another architect to do this for us but we will be paying him for his services. This way I can be sure that it will happen.


SPCA Namibia:

I am excited at the development of this new governing body. This will mean that all SPCAs will now have to conform to certain standards and processes. One member of each SPCA has a seat on this board, ensuring that all are heard and have a say.

All SPCAs can also use this Welfare Organisation number (WO 6), which has a huge advantage for businesses.

Each SPCA will still be responsible for running and caring for its own society.


New Year:

It is paramount that we upgrade the cattery first, with or without plans. This is a concern that cannot be delayed. Hopefully, we will receive positive feedback from the municipality that we can proceed with badly needed upgrades. We would also like to send our staff on formal training. The idea is to make the SPCA Walvis Bay a showcase for Namibia and a society that our local community can be proud of. This will also hopefully draw more people.



I really cannot thank you enough. Without you looking after us and supporting us, none of this would have been possible. Thank you.

I trust we can look forward to a very prosperous 2018.

Committee Members and volunteers:

Thank you, thank you, and thank you. Without your love, dedication and commitment there would be no SPCA. I really appreciate all of you and would most definitely not have been able to do this on my own. All your hard work has been for the love of animals.


Last but not least, our staff. We have had some ups and downs, but so we learn. That is what life is all about. It is not about the mistakes that you make, but what you learn from them and make them better in the future.

Thank you for all your hard work and dedication, the late-night callouts, the phone call, etc.

What you do is not always seen and appreciated.

Thank you.



I wish you all a prosperous 2018. 


Well enough said. This is more than I have said all year.


Kind Regards

Gavin Brasler


SPCA Walvis Bay

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